Who Am I?

Something that builds trust is transparency and showing your face. Moreover, I want to show that I stand behind my words, instead of hiding behind anonymity. So here goes.

My name is Wouter de Gruijl, I was born 20th of July 1996, and currently live in the Netherlands. I have Master of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering, and currently work a fulltime job as a Technical Software Consultant.

Since age 22, I turned my life around from being a partying student, and became increasingly obsessed with health optimization. My scientific background made it easy to dive deep into topics such as nutrition, supplementation, and physical performance. 

Moreover, I like to delve into the mindset and psychology of things, looking for insights that can have a practical application in daily life.

As a result, I am now reasonably muscular, and have seen tremendous improvements in energy, productivity, stress control, and overall happiness.

For personal contact, shoot me a DM on Instagram.

To verify that I am a real person you can also find me on LinkedIn.


My Aim For This Page & The Future

I love to help people achieve similar results, which is why I started the page. 

On Instagram and this website, I aim to share my insights, research, and experience, such that it might benefit your mental and physical health as much as it did mine.

It is my wish to become a full-time health coach and entrepreneur, and move away from my job. However, I see a lot of people in the health space making money by selling false dreams in the form of overpriced coaching,  supplements, or courses. 

I detest that, and I am going to try my best to do it differently. My primary aim is to help people, not to rob them from their money. 

As such, I will try to provide a lot of helpful information for free with my articles, on my Instagram page, and other platforms in the future.

Those things that are not free, I will offer for a fair price, and make it worth your money.

This website contains a lot of links to products and resources I recommend, many of which are affiliate links. Using these links is completely optional, but much appreciated, as it will support my wish of making this my fulltime occupation.

I will release paid services and products in the future, but the aim is to provide the essential information for free, and offer paid options for those who want more.

Thank You For Being Here! Connect With Me On Instagram.