When it comes to supplements that optimize testosterone, Tongkat Ali might be among the most potent ones that is commercially available.
In fact, judging from study results and anecdotes, Tongkat Ali has the potential to increase testosterone levels by 100 ng/dl. For reference, a healthy range is 500 – 1000 ng/dl, so for most people 100 ng/dl could be a 10 – 40% increase depending on how low their starting levels are.
Most supposed “Testosterone Boosters” have little to no evidence showing they actually work, but this supplement has quite some science backing it up, and no worrisome side effects.
I could give a breakdown of the science here, but someone else already did it for me in a lot of detail. If you’re interested, check out the video on YouTube here.
He goes over the scientific papers on Tongkat Ali supplementation in depth.
Another podcast/video where Dr. Kyle Gillet discusses the supplement can be found here.